Photo © Bob Walker
Good Morning Readers,
Sorry about the glitch yesterday. Not sure what I did wrong, but I hope you either read the column yesterday afternoon or have already read it today.
Photo © Bob Walker
It was another busy day here at Conference. One of the ministries that's available to parents of small children is called "Conference Kids". The folks who provide this ministry do it to provide some worthwhile activities for younger kids so parents can participate and enjoy conference. Conference Kids goes on all day long with breaks for lunch and dinner. Yesterday the kids did a "show" to let parents and others see what has kept them busy during the days. They did gym and athletic activities and helped clown Tinker John lift his heavy barbell by tying helium balloons on it with messages like prayer, witness, fellowship, etc. It was cute. Then they shared some music they have been practicing with Jack Ergo.
Photo © John Weese
We had two business sessions yesterday, one on the morning and one in the afternoon. The clowns always visit one of the legislative sessions during the week to share in a little impish mischief. Yesterday we were privileged to share in their light hearted ministry.
Photo © John Weese
Steve Veazey had shared inspired counsel with the church the first day with no special direction for it at the time. Since then, he has had further inspiration and has decided to offer it for inclusion in the Doctrine and Covenants Scriptures. We began praying and discussing it in the afternoon in our Quorum, Caucus, and mass meetings. So the schedule will change today and tomorrow morning to give time for discussion and action on the document.
During the business sessions we discussed some ways to try to make it easier and more affordable for folks from outside the U.S. to obtain visa's and participate in conference. We also discussed the possibly of participation by internet or satellite. There would be many things to work out so that people participated simultaneously. There would need to be safeguards and back ups in case of inter-net collapse or power failure. It will not be easy to work out.
Photo © Bob Walker
Being a worldwide church and operating on the principle of "common consent" is getting increasingly difficult as we grow. There are mission centers in the church that are large and people don't even speak the same language across them. To have even a mission center conference is impossible because of travel and language.
We heard some tragic news yesterday. Somewhere in Haiti (this reporter missed the actual city) there was a devastating flood that wiped out part of the village. One of our Community of Christ congregations was hit while the people were at worship. The building was destroyed and at least nine of our brothers and sisters lost their lives.
Photo © John Weese
Last night was the second opportunity for Conference to attend worship in the Temple . Again there needed to be three separate times for all the people to attend. Becky Savage presided and Dave Schaal brought spoken ministry.
Photo © John Weese
It was a powerful service of healing and wholeness and many this reporter spoke with shared a similar perspective, "That spoke directly to me." We heard that NOTHING you do is too small for God to use to bless others. Many people feel their gifts or ministry or talent is not significant. But if God can magnify and bless a small sack lunch of bread and fish to feed thousands of people, with baskets leftover, God can use your gift, bless it and change the communities you interact with. The focus is not small gifts - the focus is a very large God.
Photo © Bob Walker
Well, this reporter feels like the famous saying "Too much to do, too little time." There is only a day and a half remaining to get through all the legislation that is still pending, to review and vote on the "Inspired Counsel", to work on the Habitat for Humanity build that is connected with the Church and Conference, and on and on.
Photo © Jim Doty Jr.
Tonight the worship is the "Hymn Fest." It is one of the favorites here at Conference and certainly one of the favorites for this reporter. There will be a Conference Choir, the Graceland Orchestra, The Auditorium Organ and Trumpets (my favorite part), and an Auditorium filled to capacity with people singing and praising God. If you have high speed internet, or satellite capability, put on the big speakers, and crank up the volume. It will be a treat.
I will close with the question that was posed to the Conference worshipers last night at the Temple . The setting is from the Gospel of John 5:1-9. Jesus spotted a man sitting by the pool of healing who had been there 38 years. Jesus asked the man "Do you want to be healed?" The implication is, are you willing to give up your anger, bitterness, lust, selfishness, judgment, low self esteem that has defined you for so long. Are you willing to take the steps necessary to be healed? Are you willing to pick up your mat and walk? No one can carry your mat but you. Do you want to....? Are you willing to....?
Photo © Jim Doty Jr.
Until tomorrow then.
Seventy Bob